Feast day commemorating the presentation of Christ in the temple; a quarter day in Scotland.
A Christian festival that takes place 40 days after Christmas and commemorates the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
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Examples for "Candlemas Day "
Examples for "Candlemas Day "
1 On the other hand Candlemas Day has been part of Irish heritage since before time.
2 One is of his wanting to go to church at Ely Abbey one cold Candlemas Day .
3 It is yet marked in the almanacs as Candlemas Day , or the Purification of the Virgin Mary.
5 On Candlemas Day , (February 2d) 962 A.D., the grateful pope crowned him Roman emperor.
1 Snap's lack of voting rights was outlined in a registration statement Feb 2.
1 Then they rode northwards to Sarpsborg, and came there at Candlemas .
2 M. de Vendome came to Versailles for the ceremony of the Order on Candlemas - Day .
3 Holiday: Feast of Our Lady of Candlemas on February 2
4 The snow promised by the Candlemas sun of the preceding day had actually come.
5 And with Candlemas day ends all festivity connected with Christ-tide.
6 I'm ninety, come Candlemas ; but it don't seem long since I took the bounty.
7 On the other hand Candlemas Day has been part of Irish heritage since before time.
8 He remembered the day well because it was Candlemas day, and this was the anniversary.
9 We at length reached Water Street, and entered the office of Tallow, Candlemas , and Co.
10 The final nightmare came before Candlemas - heralded ,incruel irony, by a false gleam of hope.
11 Then I was three year at Mellstock, and I've been here one-and-thirty year come Candlemas .
12 It's probably too late; for the summer season's fighting, you need to be recruiting by Candlemas .
13 In the Christian tradition, the feast also known as Candlemas , is celebrated 40 days after Christmas.
14 In the revolution of Candlemas , 1248, the successful Ghibellines throw down thirty-six of the Guelph palaces.
15 It was Candlemas ; huddled in his tent with his generals, he prayed for the slaughtered souls.
16 This latter raid, having occurred in February, was afterwards known as the "burnt Candlemas . "
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